Ultimate Bliss Cosmic Yoga

Ultimate Bliss Cosmic Yoga

Realize Your Ultimate Self

Ultimate Bliss Cosmic Yoga is a well-researched Yoga Program developed by Swami Aaron and other Yoga Experts. Ultimate Bliss Cosmic Yoga is an upgradation of all Yogic Science which is taught and practiced by other Yoga teachers and practisers throughout the world.
Due to ignorance, Yoga has been unfortunately reduced to only acrobatic physical exercises; while actual Yoga is a way for evolution of Consciousness to the Ultimate. Yoga is not just a tool of physical fitness, rather it is something beyond physicality.
Through our Training Program “Ultimate Bliss Cosmic Yoga”, we endeavour to reclaim the authenticity of the ancient knowledge.

Levels of the Program:

There are four levels in this program:

  1. Beginner Level
  2. Intermediate Level
  3. Advance Level
  4. Training for Trainers Program

For further details, please, WhatsApp / Telegram / Call at +91 98111 31102 or +91 9810 969 067
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